What is CBD oil?
CBD is one of thousands of cannabinoids found in hemp plants. Another cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
While THC and CBD have much in common, one clear difference between them is the fact that CBD has no psychoactive effects. In addition, CBD is legal and easy to obtain as long as you are over the age limit.
Once CBD is extracted from hemp plants, it can be processed into one of three forms:
- Broad-spectrum CBD: this type of CBD contains not only CBD, but also all the other cannabinoids and terpenes found in the hemp plant. Broad-spectrum CBD also contains traces of THC. However, they are within the legal limit, which is 0.2%, which is not enough to get high.
- Full-spectrum CBD: It is made with an extract that contains all or almost all the compounds that are present in a hemp plant by its very nature. Obviously, CBD is among them, as well as other cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and more.
- CBD isolate: CBD isolate contains pure CBD and nothing else. It has no other cannabinoids, THC or terpenes, only CBD.
How to Use CBD Oil for Back Pain
There are many health benefits of CBD oil , and you can probably name a few right off the bat. It is considered one of the most beneficial cannabinoids from the hemp plant. Research indicates that CBD can reduce back pain in the following ways:
- Reducing inflammation.
- Combating anxiety, often associated with chronic or long-term back pain.
- Helping you fall asleep and improving your overall state of relaxation.
Some studies suggest that CBD may have an effect on how an individual perceives pain, but more robust research is needed. CBD is considered a whole-body treatment, which means it does not specifically target back pain – except for topical products – but contributes to an overall feeling of relaxation and pain relief.
Full-spectrum CBD oil is considered the most effective form because it features all of the compounds found naturally in the plant. These include not only cannabinoids, but also terpenes and essential oils. Studies have found that full-spectrum extracts are more effective in treating pain and inflammation.
One of the secrets to getting the most out of CBD is knowing how much to use. Unlike traditional prescribing, the ideal amount of CBD to use is not straightforward.
To find the right amount of CBD you have to start with a low dose of CBD and gradually increase as you monitor how your body responds to the current dose. This is especially important for new CBD users.

CBD oil or CBD cream: which one should I use for pain?
Having back pain may lead you to think that applying CBD cream to the affected area will give better results than using CBD oil, but this is not the case.
Using CBD topicals on painful areas is a good option if the pain is shallow. Topical CBD creams only work on anatomical structures up to one centimeter under the skin.
And when fighting joint inflammation or muscle pain, the problem is probably more complex than that.
Topical CBD products usually require a liberal splash over the affected area. If you are generous with the creams, there is a chance that some will penetrate the skin all the way to the muscles.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use topicals at all. In fact, they are a great complement to CBD oil because they approach the problem from a slightly different angle.
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